When setting up a business for the first time, it is vital you receive the correct information in choosing whether you should be a sole trader, partnership or a Limited company.
We help businesses across UK set up from day one to insure your accounting and taxations affairs are right from the start.
For a free consultation into which package would be best for you, please contact us.
Whether you are a sole trader or partnership. You will have legal requirements to submit a personal/partnership tax return every year.
For a free consultation into which package would be best for you, please contact us.
Trading as a limited company requires yearly accounts to be submitted to the HMRC & Companies House. Also as a director, you and all the directors will need to submit a personal tax returns as well.
We insure all our clients receive the best advice and service to ensure they are 100% satisfied with our services.
For a free consultation into which package would be best for you, please contact us.
When first starting out as a contractor, it can be very confusing to know what is best for you. You have many options such as trading under an Umbrella company or a Limited company. As a contractor you need to consider the IR35 risk.
It is vital you are set up correctly and receive the best advice and service.
For a free consultation into which package would be best for you, please contact us.
All packages are excluding VAT